Explore Relationships Between Plants, Soil, and Biology
This free event will explore the relationships between plants, soil and biology. This is a concept key to soil health and improved water quality. Tama Soil and Water Conservation District and Practical Farmers of Iowa are hosting the event. Google Maps directions to Tama County Nature Center here.
Featured speaker will be Keith Berns, a Nebraska farmer and entrepreneur. Berns will speak on “Carbonomics.” He takes a unique approach to looking at the big picture of soil health. He does this by comparing the economy of a country to the underground economy of the soil. Economic fundamentals of supply, demand, currency, capital, energy, resources, infrastructure, and defense to apply.
Further, they’ll be applied to the bustling subterranean economy of a healthy soil system. The role of carbon as the currency that facilitates interactions between plants, soil and biology in this system will be closely examined.
Afterward, the another presentation will include Adam Nechanicky. He is a Tama County farmer and livestock producer from Buckingham, Iowa. Nechanicky will highlight growing cover crops for livestock forage. Another Tama County farmer, Jack Boyer of rural Reinbeck, will share his cover crop learning experiences. He will share experiences as a Practical Farmers of Iowa research partner and also as a producer adding cover crops to a farming operation.
Both Neil Sass and Tina Cibula of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service will share soil health demonstrations as well as the key principles of soil health.
To learn more about the Benton-Tama Water Quality Initiative and its partners click here.
The event requires RSVPs. Contact Melody Bro by calling (641) 484-2702 extension 305 or emailing melody.bro@ia.nacdnet.net by August 15. Persons needing accommodations to participate in the event should contact Melody or TDD# or Federal Relay Service (800-877-8339) at least 48 hours prior to the event.
Lastly, below is a summary of this event’s speakers:
- Keith Berns, Nebraska farmer and entrepreneur on Corbonomics: Economy of Country, Economy of Soil
- Adam Nechanicky, Tama County farmer and livestock producer on growing cover crops for livestock forage
- Jack Boyer, Tama County farmer and Practical Farmers of Iowa research partner on cover crop strip trials and then adding cover crops to your farming operation
- Neil Sass, USDA-NRCS, on key principles of soil health, rainfall simulator as well as soil erosion demonstration