September 12, 2023

One Water Iowa

Join the Iowa Delegation for the 2023 One Water Summit in Tucson, Arizona!

What we’re doing: The Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance is organizing a delegation of Iowa leaders in water quality and agriculture. We’ll travel to Tucson to represent innovations in Iowa agriculture that improve water quality, while learning about solutions from across the nation.

Together as an Iowa Delegation, we’ll…

  • Share Iowa innovations and ideas
  • Learn from other water quality experts and visionaries
  • Apply that knowledge to commit to water quality strategies and projects that bring together diverse urban and rural partners in our own communities and watersheds.
Susan Kozak with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship speaks to a group at the 2022 Summit in Milwaukee.

More than a conference. More than an idea.

The One Water Ethos: The water we drink, the water we use, and the water we enjoy — it belongs to all of us, and we all have a responsibility to secure a sustainable future for water quality.

The Summit is all about collaborating on and committing to actionable solutions we can bring back to our communities.

Why attend? 

  • Represent Iowa. The One Water Summit is a gathering of leaders from around the country. We need representation from Iowa water quality experts and agriculture! After all, the great innovators of Iowa invented the prairie strip, saturated buffer, and the bioreactor… and we lead the nation in rate of new cover crop adoption!
  • Plus, a passion for progress. Iowa has a goal to reduce nitrate and phosphorus loss to waterways by 45% and 29% respectively. We have a long way to go to reach those goals. Let’s bring back the latest research and leadership strategies to reach that goal together.

Sunny and 75°! Did we mention it’s at a resort?

This year’s host is Tucson, Arizona.

Where would you rather be in November? Iowa – with an average temp of 48°…or Tucson with an average temp of 75°?!

And there’s more! The One Water Summit offers several offsite tours including agriculture focused trips. Here are a couple you can expect.

  • Take a tour of the San Xavier Co-Op Farm where they grow alfalfa, hay, and wheat, and forage for ciolim (cholla buds), wihog (mesquite pods), and i:bha’i (prickly pear fruit)
  • Learn from the University of Arizona Center and get a first-hand look at their Indige-FEWSS research of off-grid production of safe drinking water and controlled environment agriculture systems

Frequently asked questions

If I join the Iowa Delegation, are there additional responsibilities?

IAWA created the Iowa Delegation to make sure Iowa attendees can network and collaborate on solutions that impact their home state! Leading up to the event, we’ll have one Zoom call per month in September, October, and November. At the conference there will be special opportunities to network.

What is the deadline?

The deadline to register has been extended until Oct 13. We recommend registering as early as possible to ensure you get a hotel room and to get the best selection of One Water labs and tours. Labs and tours are part of the agenda, but space is limited so you have to sign up for them during registration.

How much does registration cost?

The US Water Alliance is offering a sliding scale for registration fees, so you’ll have to check out their site to see your rate. Remember, by joining the Iowa delegation, you’ll get 20% off this rate.

What about hotel and transportation?

The US Water Alliance reserved a room block at the JW Marriott in Tucson. Group rates are $199/night with a resort fee of $20/day. Click here for room block information and to book. Please contact Rudy Kane at with any questions.

The Starr Pass Resort does not provide free transportation. Here are options to get to and from the hotel.

  • VIP Taxi (cabs are stationed at the airport in the taxi pickup area so you should not have to call upon arrival)
    • 520-300-3000
    • Approximate rate: $45
  • Starr Transportation, black car service (RESERVATION ONLY)
    • 520-544-7895
    • Approximate rate: $55
  • Uber or Lyft
    • Remember to download the app before arrival!
    • Approximate rate: $20-27

Where will the agenda be posted?

You can find the agenda at this link.

Can I check out previous years’ content so I can get an idea of what to expect?

Sure! Here’s a link to last year’s highlights. Additionally, here is a link to the full program.